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Building Your Dream Pickleball Court at Home: A Guide

Are you thinking about building a pickleball court at your home? Here is a detailed rundown on how to create the best player experience at your future personal court!

pickleball backyard

Building a pickleball court at your home can be an excellent way to enjoy pickleball anytime you commute!

You can host games, have friends come by, and it's a great way to be more social and network within the pickleball community.

However, before you jump straight into building the court of your dreams, there are several factors to consider to ensure your court is safe, playable, enjoyable, and built properly.

Let's walk through five key elements to keep in mind when building a pickleball court at your home. From space and surface, to lighting and weather protection, we'll cover all the essential info you need to create your very own perfect pickle paradise at home.

If you already have a court at your home and want to boost the experience for visitors, check out our list of Must-Have Upgrades for Your Personal Pickleball Court

Otherwise, read on...

Pickleball Court Building Guide

Ample Space:

A standard pickleball court is 20 x 44 feet, but it's recommended that you allow for additional space around the court for player safety. Plan accordingly!

Ideally, you want a total area more like 30 x 60 feet for your court, plus the added buffer of space outside the sidelines.

You also need to make sure the ground is free of any obstructions. Extra pace will make the game better, knowing you have prevented accidents and injuries. Also good for a hangout area for players!

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Quality Net:

The net seems like such an afterthought, but it's a critical component of a pickleball court. Not all nets are the same, and choosing a good one is important.

You need a net that is 22 feet wide and 36 inches tall at the center. Some are portable, others are more permanent and heavy. Peruse the top-rated nets on Amazon.

Having a quality net leads to enjoyable gameplay. Don't neglect the net...get a good one that will not sag or break quickly!


If you plan on playing pickleball at night, lighting is essential. If you will only play during daytime, then disregard!

Installing adequate lighting around the court is meant for visibility and safety. You can use floodlights or LED lighting, but make sure they're positioned to avoid any glare or shadows.

If you want to play at night but cannot budget to install poles and pro lights, consider string lights or portable flood light stands. Place them at the corners or edges of the court!

Proper Surface:

Pickleball courts can be built on a variety of surfaces, including asphalt, concrete, or even compacted gravel.

Ideally you'll have a gritty tennis style finish on the surface. Most likely you will have a sports surfacing company come and surface and paint, rather than doing it manually.

Having an even level surface is critical for proper gameplay too!

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Consider weather conditions in your area and provide adequate protection for the court.

For instance, if you live in a rainy or snowy region, you may need to install drainage systems near the sides, or have a court cover tarp type thing to prevent damage.

You may want to install a windscreen to reduce wind factor. Weather protection will help your court lasts longer and stay in good condition.

Pickleball Court Construction FAQ:

How much does it cost to build a court?

From scratch, budget at least $10k if you need to level the ground and resurface.

This is without lights and probably without new fencing. It might be closer to $25k or more if you want to do things nicer.

Some of the best nets are great, but cost a couple thousand dollars alone.

Does a pickleball court need lights?

No, not at all. You can just play during daylight.

If you want to compromise, consider buying string lights or flood lights that can be turned on with a switch and do not need huge budgets to install. String lights are very economical.

Flood lights, or work lights, can be found on portable stands. You can place them at the corner or edges of the court and turn them off after you're done playing. Many are solar.

What else besides the actual court do I need?

You don't need anything else besides the groundwork, the lines, and the net.

But there are many ways to augment the setting and make it better for players. Consider a hangout area, a cooler or fridge, a ball basket, and all the things you'd want when exercising.

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How long does it take to build?

The groundwork takes the longest. It can be done in weeks at a slow pace, or part of a week at a fast pace. Surfacing and painting may take a day or two each at most.

The process can be quick if you have flat ground and the right budget.

If you need lighting and fencing installed in a major way, that can add weeks and weeks to your timeline. Consider building the court first and then adding these additions in time.

Bottom Line

Building a pickleball court at home requires careful planning and consideration, but it's also a rewarding thing to do, and can really make your home an awesome place.

You can have friends over, be a big social networker, and save driving time!

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